Wine Country is coming to Santa Monica the weekend of February 23rd and 24th. This one weekend celebration will be debuting wines from all around the world in one eccentric location — the Barker Hanger. What better way to taste international wines then being surrounded by airplanes and runways, it seems pretty fitting to us. The event will have three separate tasting times and VIP tickets available for those that would like to elevate their experience. Each session will last three hours and are completely unlimited, which is ideal for those guests that enjoy multiple types of wine. Proceeds from the ticket sales will benefit the Surfrider Foundation, an organization that focuses their efforts on protecting and enjoying the world's ocean, waves, and beaches. This one-of-a-kind event will have great food that will pair well with your tastings, and every type of grape you can imagine to wash it all down. Purchase your tickets ahead of time right here — it's time for Santa Monica's very own wine experience — sip, sip, HOORAY!